
Making a birdhouse- A house activity. Play and learn by Manju K Iyer

A video blog on making a birdhouse- A house activity by Manju Iyer

Author Manju K Iyer

Manju K Iyer is a Psychologist, Counselor,  Parent coach, Play Therapist, Homeschooler and Founder of PlayTime ( A coaching program for parents of children with special needs).


Hand & Finger Exercises

Hand and finger exercises by Monika Misra

Hand and finger exercises help in strengthening the muscles of the hand and fingers of the child.
So if you want to strengthen your fine motor skills, then you have to work on your whole hand.
In which shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers are included. Let’s find out how.

Author Monika Misra

Monika Misra
Founder of Deific Skill Portal, Lucknow
Special Educator at sunrise learning, Noida.
Parent counsellor at Kant Brain Center, Lucknow.



Hi Welcome to today’s blog on sensory diet

Well I am wondering that we all have heard about sensory diet but do we exactly know what is it all about ?

So when all of us were chilling in college around 1991 there were two occupational therapists going by the name Wilbarger and Wilbarger

These two professionals devised an individualised plan of physical activities and accommodations to meet the sensory needs of a person

So what is so special about this plan ?and how is it benefitting

Ahh this plan focusses on giving an appropriate amount of sensory input throughout the day for a person with sensory processing difficulty to stay organised and an achiever





Now what is goal behind this sensory diet , please note earlier we discussed the benefit of sensory diet

Goal 1 – to prevent sensory overload or overstimulation

Goal2- to provide good emotional regulation

Goal 3– to meet needs of the sensory nervous system

Goal 4- to become recovery technique from a meltdown

Goal 5- to increase the attentiveness

Goal 6- to instill calmness

Goal 7-to cut down anxiety

Goal 8- to have a control and better interaction

What all is included in a sensory diet

All activities can either address all the sensory systems or just one specific sensory system

Lets explore one by one

Lifting . pushing , pulling activities can give proprioceptive input

So vacuuming , swimming ,push ups , playing hopscotch, carrying backpack ,pushing a stroller , lifting weights , and push ups against the wall are important sensory diet activities for proprioception

When it comes to sensory diet for vestibular system , following will be the activities on your bucket list , swinging on a flat swing ,lying in a hammock ,rolling on the carpets , mats ,dancing and spinning on sit n spin disc

On the other hand , the tactile system is one sensory system that is very vital to promote calmness . so for this sensory system sensory diet activities would be drawing in sand , suji (semolina)or salt , massages the hands and legs,playing with playdough , squeeze balls and messy play with shaving foam and water play

Other senses cannot be ignored in the sensory diet and are also an essential part

For auditory – listening to music , nature sounds , playing musical instruments like drums . listening to sounds of running water and also using noise cancellation headphones to dampen unwanted sounds like pressure cooker , vacuum cleaners

For smell (olfaction)- explore calming scents like lavender , jasmine , vanilla , musk rose . while some people would be preferring alerting scents such as peppermints , coffee

Some would love to smell certain herbs , detergent , shampoo

For taste (gustatory)- certain crunchy food stuff serve as a great sensory diet e.g veggies that are raw , popcorn , wafers , chips , nachos , apples . Some people can be given chew jewellery in form of necklace , bracelets of raisins , marsh mellows

While some people wont like to chew but suck and lick , for this purpose sensory diet should include popsicles , ice cubes , shakes with straw

So when you are lost and you feel a sensory diet is definitely your rescue , don’t forget to scroll through my blog on Sensory diet and I know you will agree that it is wholesome


Creative efforts and ice cube lover – Heena Sahi

Creative representation for this blog is done by Morpheus Nag