
Universal Design for Learning: Accessibility for All Students

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework that aims to make learning accessible to all students, regardless of their abilities or learning styles.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) achieves accessibility through three key principles:

  1. Multiple Means of Representation:
  • Provide information in various formats (text, audio, video) to accommodate different learning styles.
  • Use diverse instructional materials to ensure content is accessible to students with varying abilities and backgrounds. Multiple Means of Representation in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) enhance accessibility by presenting information in diverse ways to cater to different learning styles and preferences. Here’s how it makes learning accessible:
  1. Addressing Diverse Learning Styles:
  • Visual learners benefit from graphics, diagrams, and charts.
  • Auditory learners can grasp information through spoken words, lectures, or audio materials.
  • Tactile learners may benefit from hands-on activities or interactive experiences.
  1. Providing Varied Formats:
  • Offering content in multiple formats (text, audio, video) accommodates students with different preferences and abilities, such as those with visual or auditory impairments.
  1. Supporting Language Diversity:
  • Providing information in multiple languages or using language supports helps students whose first language may not be the language of instruction.
  1. Accommodating Different Paces:
  • Allowing students to access content at their own pace supports those who may need more time to process information or who benefit from accelerated learning.
  1. Customizing Materials:
  • Adapting materials to suit individual needs, such as providing text-to-speech options or adjustable font sizes, ensures that students with diverse abilities can engage with the content.
  1. Catering to Different Backgrounds:
  • Considering cultural diversity when presenting information helps students connect with and relate to the content, promoting a more inclusive learning experience.

By incorporating these principles into the design of instructional materials, educators increase the likelihood that students will find accessible pathways to understanding, regardless of their individual learning preferences or potential challenges.

  1. Multiple Means of Engagement:
  • Offer a variety of learning activities that cater to different interests and preferences.
  • Allow for flexible options in demonstrating understanding, giving students choices in how they engage with the material.
  1. Multiple Means of Expression:
  • Enable students to express themselves through diverse methods (written, spoken, visual).
  • Provide tools and support for communication and expression, considering different skill levels and challenges.
    Advantages of Universal Design for Learning (UDL):
  1. Inclusivity: UDL promotes inclusivity by catering to diverse learning styles, abilities, and backgrounds, ensuring that all students have access to educational content.
  2. Flexibility: The framework offers flexibility in how students engage with and demonstrate understanding of material, allowing for personalized learning experiences.
  3. Improved Engagement: By providing multiple means of representation and engagement, UDL enhances student interest and participation in the learning process.
  4. Equitable Opportunities: UDL creates a more level playing field, offering equitable opportunities for success regardless of individual differences, fostering a more inclusive learning environment.
  5. Enhanced Learning Outcomes: Addressing the needs of a diverse range of learners can lead to improved learning outcomes as students receive tailored support.

Limitations of Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

  1. Implementation Challenges: Implementing UDL can be challenging due to varying infrastructure, resources, and teacher training. Some educators may find it difficult to integrate UDL principles into their existing practices.
  2. Time-Consuming: Designing materials and activities that cater to diverse needs may require additional time and effort, potentially posing challenges for educators with limited resources.
  3. Assessment Complexity: Adapting assessments to accommodate diverse expressions of understanding can be complex, especially when standardized testing is a requirement.
  4. Resistance to Change: Some educators may be resistant to adopting new teaching methods, hindering the widespread adoption of UDL in educational institutions.
  5. Potential for Overwhelm: The abundance of options in UDL might be overwhelming for educators who are not well-versed in its principles, potentially leading to ineffective implementation.

Despite these limitations, the overall goal of UDL is to create a more accessible and inclusive learning environment, and ongoing efforts to address these challenges can enhance its effectiveness in diverse educational settings.

Author Sradhanjali Dasgupta



Triveni Goswami Vernal
Registered Special Educator (A64010)

Emotional Regulation is defined as the ability to respond to demands in a situation or a social context, in a manner that is socially appropriate and acceptable. A lot of individuals on the Autism Spectrum find it difficult to navigate social cues and respond to social situations, as they have a lot going on in their mind as well as being overwhelmed sensorily.

Emotional Regulation often has to be introduced to them, as a concept, through activities, reading material etc., so that they become more aware of how they are expected to behave in a certain situation.

A theoretical framework was proposed on the Zones of Regulation by Leah Kuypers, an Occupational Therapist, in 2011, to help individuals be equipped in “skills of self- awareness and strategies of self-regulation” ( The four Zones of Regulations given by this theoretical framework, include:


It comprises of-
Blue Zone (Sad, Bored, Tired, Sick, Fatigue),
Green Zone (Happy, Focused, Content, Calm, Proud),
Yellow Zone (Stressed, Worried, Frustrated, Silly, Excited) and
Red Zone (Overjoyed/Elated, Panicked-Angry-Terrified, Devasted, Out of Control)

Each Zone has been associated with the possible body signals. For example, the Red Zone can have body signals such as Tensed muscles, Feeling Hot/Sweaty/ Fast Heartbeat/Flushed skin etc.

The idea is for the individual to recognize the signs and become more aware of how they feel, in a given situation.

Some activities that can be done with children to teach Emotional Regulation are as follows:

1) Take deep breaths
2) Counting till 10
3) Take a walk away from the situation.
4) Drink water
5) Play music or distract oneself with an activity that makes one happy
6) Calm down toys
7) Draw a Volcano with various layers, starting with the base layer of a Happy/calm state, to Irritability in the next layer, then Frustration and finally, Anger at the top most layer, which comes out as the lava. Doing this activity with the child, can help the child recognize the build-up of emotions that leads to the final outburst, and also helps them understand how working on each of the earlier layers, can help slow down the build up and subsequent outburst.

Teaching children to recognize various emotions and their associated bodily changes, is very important. Self-regulation of emotions would also involve teaching the child the concept of impulse control, flexible thinking, acceptance of feelings of defeat and loss, skills of attention and focus.

In my next blog, I will write about Impulse Control.

Resources for Emotional Regulation Activities:


Author Triveni Goswami Vernal

Triveni Goswami Vernal is an Autism advocate, registered Special Educator (CRR A64010) and an Independent Researcher. Her areas of interest include Autism, Disability Rights, Gender, Art and Northeast studies. She is a mum to an 12 year old on the Autism Spectrum.

Artwork Happiness
Artist Kabir Vernal
Acrylic Ink and Paint on Canvas


What is the role of a Shadow Teacher?

Many of us have encountered the challenge of finding an effective shadow teacher for our children with diverse and additional needs, often facilitated by the school. This journey can be fraught with obstacles, and even when a shadow teacher is found, there may be doubts about their skills.

The role of a shadow teacher is typically undertaken by a special educator, although increasingly, budding psychologists and other professionals in the special education field are showing interest in this vital role. Some parents even consider becoming shadow teachers themselves to better support their child’s development. Nevertheless, the majority of schools do not endorse this practice.

Different nations and regions have varying regulations and guidelines regarding the responsibilities of special educators, impacting the demand for and role of shadow teachers.

Let’s discuss in today’s blog, what essential skills a shadow teacher should possess when working with a child with special needs in a mainstream school setting. This applies not only to special educators and psychologists but also to recent graduates entering the field of special education and parents taking on this role.

Individuals lacking in any of the vital skills mentioned in this blog should consider seeking training and participating in professional development programs to enhance their capabilities.

It’s crucial to understand that being a shadow teacher is a significant responsibility, not merely a temporary engagement. A child relies on their shadow teacher for support in their academic and personal development. Let’s delve deeper into the detailed aspects of this crucial role:

1. Understanding Behavior: A proficient shadow teacher comprehends the nuances of behavior, different types of behaviors, and utilizes strategies like ABC charts to manage, regulate, and replace challenging behaviors effectively.

2. Responsibilities Towards School, Parents, and Child: Clear understanding and commitment to responsibilities towards the school, parents, and most importantly, the child, are fundamental for a shadow teacher.

3. Awareness of Learning Styles: Recognizing the child’s learning style, whether tactile, visual, kinesthetic, auditory, or reading-based, is essential for tailoring teaching methods accordingly.

4. Sensory Processing and Integration: Knowledge about sensory processing and integration aids in creating an environment conducive to the child’s sensory needs.

5. Understanding of Individualized Education Plans (IEP) and Behavior Management Plans: Proficiency in comprehending and implementing IEPs and behavior management plans ensures targeted support for the child’s educational and behavioral goals.

6. Differentiation Among Related Professions: Differentiating between roles such as PT, OT, psychologist, speech pathologist, special educator, and understanding their contributions to the child’s development is crucial.

7. Familiarity with Developmental Milestones: A good grasp of cognitive, social, emotional, gross and fine motor, and language developmental milestones facilitates tailored interventions.

8. Knowledge of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: In-depth understanding and recognition of conditions like Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and Neuromuscular Disorders enable effective support strategies.

9. Utilization of Assistive Technologies: Proficiency in utilizing visual supports, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices, assistive devices, and implementing life skills and social stories enhance communication and independence.

10. Flexibility and Adaptability: Being flexible to adapt to unforeseen circumstances in the school environment, such as sudden changes in schedules, is essential for maintaining stability for the child.

11. Differential Instruction Strategies: Tailoring instruction methods to suit the unique needs of autistic, ADHD, dyslexic, or dysgraphic children ensures inclusive and effective learning experiences.

12. Spontaneity, tact and Wit: The ability to think on one’s feet and respond spontaneously to situations with humor and creativity fosters a positive learning atmosphere.

13. Effective Communication and Feedback: Strong oral and written communication skills, coupled with the ability to share constructive feedback with parents and school staff, promote collaboration and progress.

14. Calmness, Patience, and Empathy: Maintaining a calm demeanor, exercising patience, and demonstrating empathy are indispensable qualities for nurturing trust and rapport with the child.

Hence, in the journey of navigating the educational landscape for a child with diverse needs, finding the right shadow teacher is a significant relief for both parents and professionals. The role and responsibilities of a shadow teacher transcends mere supervision; it encompasses advocacy, support, and empowerment for the autistic child. By being mindful of the qualities and competencies outlined above, parents can make informed decisions when selecting a shadow teacher, ensuring optimal support for their child’s educational journey.

Author Shilpi Mayank Awasthi
Founder SpecialSaathi


Simi’s Journey in Inclusive School

A Father’s Journey with Autism- Chapter 18

In this blog, I’ll discuss Simi’s challenges in inclusive education as a young girl. From adapting to a new school environment to navigating academic and social obstacles, her journey sheds light on the complexities of inclusion in education for neurodiverse students.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental condition, manifests differently in different individuals. For Simi, this means steering a world where sensory sensitivities may overwhelm her, social interactions can be perplexing, and communication may not unfold in conventional ways. These core aspects of autism shape her experiences from early childhood into adolescence, influencing her interactions with family, peers, and the broader community.

At home, we grappled with the complexities of understanding and supporting her unique needs. We faced challenges in deciphering her non-verbal cues, managing her sensory sensitivities, and adapting daily routines to accommodate her preferences and aversions. Despite our unwavering love and dedication, the strain of balancing her needs with those of other family members had taken its toll, leading to moments of frustration, exhaustion, and even guilt.

As she transitions into the educational realm, Simi encountered a myriad of hurdles within the schooling system. Despite being enrolled in an inclusive school environment that prioritized understanding and support for neurodiversity, the initial phase of her schooling posed significant challenges. Simi struggled to keep pace with the changing environment, hindered by challenges in focus, organization, and processing information. We enlisted a teacher from Simi’s school to serve as a home tutor, ensuring regular feedback and updates on Simi’s progress in her educational journey. After a few days, we noticed a positive change in Simi’s demeanour as she regained her confidence. Being permitted to engage in various school activities such as solo singing competitions and sports in an inclusive environment played a significant role in her transformation. Some teachers took a keen interest in Simi, offering support in both academics and extracurriculars. Simi’s home tutor provided extra care and explained her behavioural issues to other teachers and peers, catalysing positive changes in Simi’s demeanour and fostering a more supportive and understanding school environment.

A significant concern for us was the absence of mathematics classes beyond Class 7 in the inclusive school for special children. Even in Class 7, they treated math books as one grade lower. This deprived Simi of her passion for mathematics. Although we attempted to teach her at home, various factors hindered our success. The lack of structured math education in her school limited her opportunities to fully explore and develop her mathematical abilities.

[One incident vividly illustrates Simi’s passion for mathematics. During an examination in Agartala, she requested “a piece of paper” for rough work, but the teacher could not understand her symbolic language. Left without the necessary tools, she submitted a blank paper and received a zero. This experience shattered Simi’s confidence. When she didn’t encounter mathematics classes in the inclusive school during eighth grade, she internalized the belief that her previous zero resulted in deprivation. Even today, she asserts, “main math fail nehi hun.” This incident underscores the profound impact of miscommunication on a young student’s self-perception and academic journey.]

Another issue arose regarding the medium of education, as Simi had previously been taught in English medium schools. Her mother continued teaching her in English and assisted teachers in framing school test papers in English. To address this, we pursued an exemption for Simi from the Hindi subject through CBSE. With a recommendation from Sir Gangaram Hospital, authorized by CBSE for such exemptions, we successfully crossed this challenge.

Amidst these challenges, however, lies a resilient spirit and unwavering determination to thrive. Still miles to go…………………………..

To be continued….


Srinibash Mishra


Neurodivergent Individuals: Modern Sages in a Complex World

Unveiling the Ancient Wisdom in Neurodivergent Individuals: Modern Sages Among Us

In today’s bustling world, amidst the chaos of modern life, there exists a subset of individuals, a group whose minds are wired differently. They possess unique abilities and perceptions, akin to the ancient sages and saints of old. They are the neurodivergents, the gifted ones, with some extraordinary abilities and insights that often transcend the boundaries of conventional understanding. They have so much to offer and so much to teach us about the human experience and the mysteries of existence. In exploring the parallels between these modern-day marvels and the revered sages and saints of ancient times, let’s uncover a profound connection that offers us a glimpse into the depths of human potential.

Hyperfocus and Ritualistic Punctuality– Similar to the revered saints and sages of ancient times, neurodivergent individuals often exhibit extraordinary skills and traits. One such trait is hyperfocus, the ability to intensely concentrate on a specific task or topic for extended periods. This intense focus allows them to delve deeply into subjects of interest, much like the profound contemplation practiced by ancient scholars.
Much like the ascetics of old who devoted themselves to deep meditation and unwavering focus, some of the neurodivergent individuals exhibit a remarkable capacity for hyperfocus. When they engage with a subject or activity that captivates their interest, their attention becomes laser-sharp, allowing them to delve into the intricacies of their chosen pursuit with unparalleled dedication.

Routines and Rituals- Neurodivergent individuals often adhere rigidly to routines and rituals, much like the religious practices observed by ancient sages. This punctuality and dedication to their routines provide them with a sense of solace, stability and comfort in an otherwise chaotic world. This practice offers predictability of their daily lives—a trait reminiscent of the disciplined lifestyles embraced by ancient sages.

●Spiritual Connection and Sixth Sense
Ancient sages were revered for their profound spiritual insights and their ability to commune with higher realms of consciousness. Similarly, some of the neurodivergent individuals often possess a keen intuition and a deep understanding of the subtle nuances of the world around them. Some may even exhibit what could be described as a sixth sense—an intuitive grasp of hidden patterns and underlying truths that elude the grasp of ordinary perception. This heightened awareness mirrors the intuitive insights of the sages.

●Mental Abilities and Other Extraordinary Skills– In addition to their spiritual acumen, both ancient sages and some neurodivergent individuals demonstrate a wide array of mental abilities and extraordinary skills. From prodigious memory and exceptional intelligence to talents in art, music, mathematics, and beyond, these individuals possess a rich tapestry of talents that defy conventional explanation.

Teleportation and Telepathy-In addition to their unique perceptions, some neurodivergent individuals may exhibit extraordinary abilities such as teleportation and telepathy, albeit in metaphorical or symbolic forms. While these abilities may not manifest in the same way as depicted in ancient legends, they nonetheless represent a deeper connection to the mysteries of existence. There are anecdotes and accounts found in scriptures, of ancient saints purportedly possessing the ability to teleport or communicate telepathically—a notion that finds curious parallels in the experiences reported by some neurodivergent individuals, as they possess a different and an unique understanding of the world around them. Their perception often transcends conventional boundaries, allowing them to see connections and patterns that elude the average person.

Understanding and Support

In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, it is crucial that we extend our understanding and support to all  neurodivergent individuals, be it a child or an adult, recognizing the inherent value of their unique perspectives and abilities. By acknowledging their routines, patterns, and occasional rigidity, we can create an environment that fosters their growth and allows them to thrive.

How to offer Help and Support?

To support and empower neurodivergent individuals, it is essential to understand and respect their perspectives, routines, and patterns. By acknowledging their unique strengths and abilities, we can create environments that foster their growth and development.

1. Embrace Neurodiversity: We should embrace and celebrate the diversity of human minds and recognize the fact that neurodivergents have so much to offer to society. We should also recognize that neurodiversity is a natural and valuable aspect of human variation.

2. Create a Supportive Environment: We should foster an inclusive environment that respects the needs and preferences of all the neurodivergent individuals, whether in the workplace, school, or society as a whole. We should also encourage a culture of acceptance and understanding, where neurodivergence is valued for their unique perspectives and contributions.

3. Encourage passions: We should encourage neurodivergents to pursue their passions and interests, allowing them to harness their hyperfocus, and specific interests and excel in areas of their strength.

4. Provide Accommodations: We should offer genuine accommodations and adjustments to ensure that neurodivergents  can fully participate and excel in various activities and settings.

5. Promote Education and Awareness: We should also raise awareness by educating peers, neighbors, society about neurodiversity and dispel misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding them.

6. Encourage Self-Advocacy: We should teach and empower everyone from the very beginning to advocate for their needs and preferences, helping them develop the confidence to navigate the world on their own terms.

So, the parallels between neurodivergent individuals and ancient saints and sages could be found. And it offers us a fresh perspective on the extraordinary capabilities inherent within the human mind. By understanding, embracing, and supporting neurodiversity, we can surely honor the legacy of these modern-day sages and pave the way for a more inclusive and enlightened future. By embracing the wisdom and potential of neurodivergents, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive world for everyone. Yes, they are the modern-day sages, offering us invaluable insights into the mysteries of existence and the human experience.

Author Shilpi Mayank Awasthi
Founder SpecialSaathi (A self-proclaimed modern-day sage)