
Dr. Shilpa Rao: Championing Holistic Change for Children with Autism

ChangemakerSaathi- January

In the vibrant world of autism care, Dr. Shilpa Rao stands as a beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of a holistic approach. With over 20 years of clinical experience as a pediatrician and autism expert, Dr. Rao’s journey is not just a professional pursuit, but a deeply personal one, fueled by a profound understanding and unwavering dedication.

Driven by the belief that every child deserves a chance to flourish, Dr. Rao’s approach goes beyond labels and diagnoses. She delves into the unique tapestry of each child, meticulously crafting personalized interventions that address the core needs and root causes of their challenges.

Her expertise encompasses a comprehensive spectrum:

Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis: Dr. Rao provides families with accurate diagnoses and a roadmap for navigating the complexities of autism.

Tailored Education: Her clinic in Bengaluru has become a nurturing haven, where children embark on personalized special education journeys, either in-person or through the convenience of online sessions. Each session is a canvas of discovery, meticulously designed to unlock potential and nurture individual strengths.

Empowering Families: Recognizing the critical role of families, Dr. Rao empowers them with knowledge and skills through her comprehensive parent training programs. She equips them to become active participants in their child’s progress, fostering a supportive environment that fosters growth and celebrates every milestone.

Biomedical Interventions: For children who require additional support, Dr. Rao explores the realm of biomedical interventions, addressing underlying physiological factors that may be contributing to their challenges.

Treating the Root Cause: Her medical background plays a crucial role, enabling her to identify and treat any underlying medical conditions that may be impacting a child’s development, paving the way for holistic progress.

But Dr. Rao’s story is not merely one of professional accolades; it’s woven with the threads of personal triumph. Her son, a high-functioning autistic young man, stands as a testament to the effectiveness of her holistic approach. Having not only excelled in his 12th-grade exams but also pursuing his passion for visual animation and graphic design, he serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the boundless potential that lies within every child with autism.

Dr. Shilpa Rao’s journey began in 2002, drawn to the field by an innate desire to understand and support children navigating the complexities of autism. Since then, her quest for knowledge has been relentless. Completing her medical education at MRMC Gulbarga and honing her skills in the Department of Gastroenterology at St John’s Hospital Bengaluru, she furthered her expertise by pursuing a special educator program from the Spastic Society of Karnataka, becoming a RCI-certified professional.

Her passion for learning extends beyond personal growth, as she actively contributes to the field by serving as the Chief Co-ordinator and trainer at KPAMRC on courses in Autism. She also shares her knowledge as a guest faculty at the Spastic Society of Karnataka, ensuring that her insights reach and empower countless families and professionals.

For Dr. Shilpa Rao, work is not just a profession; it’s a passion, a calling fueled by the unwavering belief that every child deserves a chance to thrive. Each child seeking her help becomes her teacher, reminding her of the immense potential that lies within, waiting to be unlocked. Through her holistic approach, unwavering dedication, and personal story of triumph, Dr. Rao is not just changing lives; she is championing change, one child, one family, one community at a time.

Join us for an exclusive conversation where Dr.Shilpa Rao recounts her remarkable journey, a testament to courage and perseverance. Watch interview with Dr. Shilpa Rao, immerse yourself in her extraordinary story, told firsthand, and let it ignite your own inner fire.

Author Shilpi Mayank Awasthi
Founder SpecialSaathi


Paul E Dennison and Gail E Dennison: The Visionary Founders of Educational Kinesiology Brain Gym®.

Changemakersaathi– October ‘2023

Introduction: In the world of Educational Kinesiology, Paul E Dennison and Gail E Dennison are widely recognized as the pioneers of the innovative and influential Educational Kinesiology, Brain Gym® program. Their dedication to understanding and improving the connections between movement, learning, and brain function has revolutionized the field. Through their ground-breaking work, the Dennisons have empowered individuals around the world to tap into their full potential, enhance their cognitive abilities, and achieve greater success in various aspects of life. Through this ChangemakerSaathi article, SpecialSaathi is honoured and privileged to explore the life, journey, work, and recognition of Paul and Gail Dennison, highlighting their significant contributions to the field of Educational Kinesiology.

Paul Dennison is a pioneering figure in the field of Education and Kinesiology, best known as the founder of Educational Kinesiology Brain Gym®. His innovative approach to learning and movement has revolutionized educational practices worldwide and has helped countless individuals overcome learning difficulties and unlock their full potential. With a career spanning several decades, Paul’s work continues to inspire educators, therapists, and learners alike.

Gail Dennison is a name synonymous with innovation, education, and empowering individuals through movement. As one of the founders of Educational Kinesiology Brain Gym®, she has revolutionized the field of brain-based learning and introduced a powerful approach to enhance cognitive abilities. Gail Dennison’s profound impact on the educational landscape has helped countless individuals, both young and old, unlock their potential and achieve greater success in various aspects of their lives.

Early Life and Education:
Paul Dennison, born in 1941, and Gail Dennison, born in 1948, both developed a keen interest in movement and education from an early age. Paul, with a background in education, psychology, and biology, and Gail, with a background in dance and movement education, joined forces to explore the connection between movement and learning. This collaboration laid the foundation for their remarkable journey in developing Brain Gym. They developed a deep passion for movement and education from an early age. Their fascination with the mind-body connection and its potential for enhancing learning paved the way for their ground-breaking work in the field of Kinesiology.

Career Path and the birth of Educational Kinesiology Brain Gym®:
Gail’s journey took a significant turn when she met Dr. Paul Dennison, an educational therapist and visionary, in the late 1970s. Together, they embarked on a mission to create a comprehensive system that integrates movement, brain function, and learning. This led to the birth of Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym®.
The concept of Brain Gym® originated in the early 1980s when the Dennisons sought to find effective ways to enhance learning, overcome learning difficulties, and optimize brain function.
In 1987, Paul and Gail Dennison officially established the Educational Kinesiology Foundation, with the goal of promoting brain-based learning and providing tools for educators, parents, and individuals to improve their cognitive abilities. Brain Gym®, a core component of Educational Kinesiology, comprises simple, yet powerful exercises designed to enhance learning, concentration, and overall brain function. Gail and Paul’s vision was to provide educators, parents, and students with practical tools that would facilitate learning and foster personal growth.

Work and Development: The Dennisons dedicated years to researching and refining their techniques, culminating in the creation of the Brain Gym® program. The program consists of targeted movements and activities designed to integrate the brain, body, and emotions, promoting optimal learning and cognitive function. These movements address specific challenges such as reading difficulties, attention issues. The exercises are easy to learn, suitable for people of all ages, and can be integrated into various educational and therapeutic settings.

Recognition and Impact: The impact of Paul and Gail Dennison’s work quickly spread beyond their immediate circle. Brain Gym gained recognition and acclaim within the fields of education, psychology, and alternative medicine. Educators, therapists, parents, and individuals worldwide embraced Brain Gym as a powerful tool for enhancing learning abilities, improving focus and concentration, and reducing stress.
The Dennisons’ contributions to the field of Educational Kinesiology were officially acknowledged when they founded the Breakthroughs International(BTi). The Breakthroughs International aimed to promote research, training, and dissemination of their work, ensuring its continued growth and development. Their books, including “Brain Gym®: Teacher’s Edition” and “Brain Gym®: Simple Activities for Whole-Brain Learning,” have become seminal texts, further cementing their place as pioneers in the field.
Through the Breakthroughs International, Gail Dennison has conducted workshops, training programs, and certifications to spread awareness and empower educators, therapists, and parents with the knowledge and tools required to implement brain-based learning practices.
The impact of Dennison’s work is evident in the success stories of countless individuals who have experienced significant improvements in their academic performance, personal growth, and overall well-being.

Today, Brain Gym exercises have been adopted and are used in schools, universities, therapy centers, and homes around the world, positively impacting the lives of students and fostering a conducive learning environment.

Conclusion: Paul E Dennison and Gail E Dennison’s lifelong dedication to understanding the link between movement, learning, and brain function has had a profound impact on the field of Educational Kinesiology. Their creation of the Brain Gym® program has empowered countless individuals to unlock their full potential and optimize their cognitive abilities. Through their pioneering work, the Dennisons have left an indelible mark on the world of education and provided valuable tools for enhancing learning and well-being.
Dennison’s tireless efforts and unwavering belief in the power of movement-based learning has been a ground-breaking contribution to the field of education.
Today, Educational Kinesiology Brain Gym® program continues to flourish, empowering individuals of all ages to reach their full potential. Dennison’s journey serves as an inspiration to educators, parents, and learners worldwide, reminding them that sometimes, the most revolutionary ideas come from challenging the status quo. Through their relentless pursuit of innovative educational methods, Paul E Dennison and Gail E Dennison truly are a Global Changemakers, forever transforming the landscape of education and leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Shilpi Mayank Awasthi
Founder SpecialSaathi


Suzy Miller: Awesomism Changemaker

Suzy Miller: Pioneering Change as an Integration Specialist, Founder of Blue Star Education and Research & Author of Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism

Global leaders and Changemakers series

In a world where inclusivity and diversity are gaining ground, Suzy Miller stands out as a remarkable global changemaker. With a background as a former pediatric speech-language pathologist, decades of collaboration with professionals across various fields, and authorship of the enlightening book “Awesomism,” Suzy Miller has become a leading force in promoting understanding and acceptance for individuals with diverse abilities.

Awakening to the Power of Inclusivity

Suzy Miller’s journey into the realm of awesomism began during her tenure as a pediatric speech-language pathologist. Her work allowed her to witness the incredible potential that individuals with diverse abilities possess. This firsthand experience sparked her passion for advocating for the great capacity that those diagnosed on the spectrum contribute to humanity at this important time.

A Visionary Integration Specialist

As an integration specialist, Suzy Miller bridges the gap between what the children have to share with humanity and the means by which various professionals can support their capacity. Her ability to collaborate effectively with experts in psychology, social work, education, science, and medicine has been pivotal in creating holistic and inclusive approaches to support individuals with diverse abilities. This collaboration has resulted in groundbreaking methodologies that empower individuals and their families to thrive.

The Author of “Awesomism”

Suzy Miller’s book, “Awesomism,” is a testament to her dedication and expertise. Through her writing, she delves deep into the world of neurodiversity, shedding light on the unique talents and perspectives that individuals with unique abilities bring to our society. “Awesomism” is not just a book; it’s a manifesto for change, challenging societal norms and urging us all to embrace the beauty of differences.

Driving Positive Change

Suzy Miller’s work extends beyond the written word. She actively engages with communities, research projects, and educational and medical professionals to promote true awareness and acceptance. Her advocacy encourages society to shift from a mindset of exclusion to one of inclusion, recognizing that each person, regardless of their capacities or challenges, has a valuable role to play in our interconnected world.

A Bright Future of Inclusivity

As we look toward the future, Suzy Miller’s influence on the field of awesomism and integration is poised to grow even stronger. Her tireless efforts continue to inspire individuals, families, and professionals to break down barriers and create a world where everyone is valued for their unique abilities.

Suzy Miller’s journey from a pediatric speech-language pathologist to an integration specialist, author, and advocate has been marked by dedication and unwavering commitment to the capacities that lie within perceived “disorders”. Her work has not only transformed the lives of individuals with diverse abilities but has also ignited a global movement towards a more accepting and inclusive society. Suzy Miller is a true changemaker, and her legacy will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on generations to come.

Let’s hear Suzy Miller’s journey in her own words in an exclusive interview:-

Author Shilpi Mayank Awasthi
Founder SpecialSaathi


Collette Elliott: Transforming Lives and Changing the System

Global leaders and changemakers

In a world where the voices of the vulnerable often go unheard, Collette Elliott emerges as a beacon of hope and change. Her journey, marred by a traumatic past, has shaped her into a relentless advocate for the rights and protection of children who find themselves entangled in a system that failed her over four decades ago.

Over 40 years ago, Collette was placed under the care of social services, only to face a series of heart-wrenching abuses in foster homes and within her own family. The very system that should have shielded her turned a blind eye, leaving her to endure unimaginable suffering. Despite the odds stacked against her, Collette refused to be silenced.

Ten years ago, she took on Birmingham Social Services and won a case for neglect, not just for herself but for every child who suffered a similar fate. Although the battle was settled out of court, Collette boldly shared her story with the media, igniting a powerful wave of awareness that rippled through society. Her book, “Unforgivable,” became a testament to her resilience and determination to break the cycle of silence.

Collette’s journey took a pivotal turn as she aligned forces with Action for Children to overhaul outdated child abuse laws. Her tireless efforts culminated in the passage of the Cinderella Law in parliament, marking a significant step towards holding perpetrators accountable and protecting innocent lives.

But Collette’s commitment did not end there. Today, she stands as a guardian angel for the voiceless, dedicating her time and energy to give children the protection and advocacy they deserve. She refuses to stand idle as history repeats itself, with countless children falling through the cracks, neglected, traumatized, and lost within a broken system.

Recognizing the need for systemic change, Collette’s innovative spirit has driven her to collaborate with a company in the creation of a revolutionary app. This app aims to connect all professionals involved in a child’s welfare, providing them with a comprehensive platform to track and address the mistakes and shortcomings that can lead to tragedy. Through this groundbreaking initiative, the mistakes of the past can pave the way for a brighter, safer future.

To fund this life-saving app, Collette has embarked on a crowdfunding journey through a GoFundMe campaign. Her vision to empower vulnerable children with the protection they deserve is a testament to her unyielding dedication. With every donation, supporters become part of a movement that seeks to reshape a system plagued by neglect and bring accountability to the forefront.

Collette Elliott’s story is one of transformation, from a survivor of unspeakable horrors to a beacon of hope for countless children. Her journey reminds us that change is possible, that one person’s determination can bridge the gap between tragedy and triumph. As she forges ahead, Collette invites us all to join her in creating a world where every child’s voice is heard, every life is cherished, and every mistake becomes a lesson that safeguards the future.

Here’s an exclusive interview with Collette Elliott..

Author Shilpi Mayank Awasthi

Founder SpecialSaathi


Dr. Stephen Mark Shore: Transforming Lives and Perspectives through Autism Advocacy

In a world that often struggles to understand and accommodate neurodiversity, Dr. Stephen Mark Shore stands as a beacon of hope and transformation. Diagnosed with “Atypical Development and strong autistic tendencies,” his journey from being nonverbal until the age of four to becoming a respected professor, author, and advocate has been nothing short of remarkable. Dr. Shore’s story not only inspires but also educates, highlighting the immense potential within individuals on the autism spectrum.

Dr. Shore’s early life was characterized by the struggle to communicate and interact with the world around him. At a time when the understanding of autism was limited, he faced the grim prospect of institutionalization. At a young age, Dr. Shore faced daunting challenges that would have deterred many. Labeled as “too sick” for outpatient treatment, he was recommended for institutionalization. However, the unwavering dedication of his parents, teachers, and support network proved to be a lifeline that helped him defy these expectations. Their belief in his potential laid the foundation for his journey of self-discovery and success, upon which he built a remarkable life and career.

Today, Dr. Shore is a distinguished professor at the reputed Adelphi University, where his research centers around aligning best practices with the specific needs of people with autism. His research focuses on bridging the gap between best practices and the unique needs of individuals with autism, fostering a more inclusive educational environment. His work goes beyond academia, as he is a prominent member of the US Autism Association Advisory Board. This role allows him to influence policy, create awareness, and advocate for the rights of individuals on the autism spectrum.

Dr. Shore’s impact is felt globally, thanks to his captivating presentations, consultations, and writings on various aspects of life that intersect with autism. He delves into crucial lifespan issues including education, relationships, employment, advocacy, and disclosure. His most recent book, “College for Students with Disabilities,” merges personal anecdotes with empirical research, serving as a guide for promoting success in higher education for those with neurodiverse experiences.

His commitment to making the world a more inclusive place extends even further. Dr. Shore’s involvement with esteemed organizations such as Autism Speaks, the Asperger’s Association of New England, the Autism Society, and Board of Directors for American Occupational Therapy Foundation reflects his dedication to fostering positive change. Serving on advisory boards and councils, he contributes his expertise to inform policy decisions and shape the direction of autism-related initiatives.

Dr. Stephen Mark Shore’s journey embodies the essence of a changemaker. From his early struggles to his current stature as an internationally recognized advocate, his story is a testament to the power of determination, support, and education. Through his work, countless lives have been touched, perceptions have shifted, and the path toward a more inclusive and understanding society has been illuminated. As we celebrate his accomplishments, let us also embrace his message: that every individual, regardless of their neurological makeup, has the potential to make a lasting impact on the world. Through his inspirational story, we are reminded of the importance of fostering inclusivity, understanding, and empathy in our communities, as we collectively strive to create a more accepting and accommodating world for everyone.

Dr. Stephen Mark Shore’s remarkable journey from a diagnosis of “Atypical Development and strong autistic tendencies” to becoming a celebrated professor, author, and advocate is an inspiring testament to the potential within individuals on the autism spectrum. His Changemaker story serves as a reminder that with the right support and determination, seemingly insurmountable challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and empowerment.

Here’s an exclusive interview with Dr.Stephen Mark Shore

Author Shilpi Mayank Awasthi
Founder SpecialSaathi