

Triveni Goswami Vernal
(Registered Special Educator A64010)

Art, like play, should be a fun activity for children. In order to gauge whether children are really interested in engaging in art-based activities, one should introduce exploratory elements in art. That can be done by making art more activity based, that involves the use of all the senses as well as movement. When art becomes more than just a two- dimensional activity, the child can do so much more with the process of creating art.

Some fun techniques that one can introduce to the children are:

1) The freedom to make any patterns with paints.
2) Gather materials around the house and make patterns with those—Leaves, flowers, tooth brush, plastic packets rolled up, bubble sheet etc.
3) Take a tray with shaving foam. Squeeze some colours on it and make a pattern. Take a paper and place it over it. Scrape off the foam.
4) Take an empty paper roll. Cut the ends with the scissor into fine strips. Dip in paint and print.
5) Can also tie a jute rope/string around a paper roll, use it as a block for printing.
6) Basic Landscapes …sky, valley, mountains. Different colours of the sky. Finger painting or entire palm printing/painting.
7) Just ask them to observe something outside and ask them to paint (however they want).
8) Make sweeping gestures with plastic packet scrunched up or tin foil, to make clouds /sky or even flowers.
9) Free movement of hands /gestures.
10) Let them choose the palette. Keep the black paint away, as they may not understand initially, that anything with black, makes the entire palette take on a black hue.
11) If they like reading /looking through books…make art activities based on the story. Like, The Very Hungry Caterpillar or make a paper stencil in the shape of some animal /plant and ask them to paint and embellish.
12) Focus should be on the process and creation of the art and not the product/outcome. Let them enjoy the process.

When the child is allowed to explore various textures, shapes, colours and forms, he/she begins to view art as a dynamic process, that is fun, engaging and can hold his/her interest for a substantial length of time. Allowing the child, the freedom to explore art, can help develop their senses, improve their eye-hand coordination, and develop a greater understanding of the various elements of art (line, shape, form, space, value, texture and colour).


**The author also has a Diploma in Art Therapy

Author Triveni Goswami Vernal

Triveni Goswami Vernal is an Autism advocate, registered Special Educator (CRR A64010) and an Independent Researcher. Her areas of interest include Autism, Disability Rights, Gender, Art and Northeast studies. She is a mum to an 11 year old on the Autism Spectrum.

Creative representation for this blog is done by artist Kabir Vernal

Field of Poppies
Acrylic Painting on Canvas


30 Day Blowing- Breathwork Challenge Day 21

Author Ramya

I am named Ramya, would love to be called mom from my 13 year old son. Certified in various streams and last year remedial too.
@simplyathome YouTube channel was created to have my sanity and to support other caregivers of kids in spectrum who are aware of what needs to be done, but stagnant like I have been on the “how to’s” break down the process.
This is my small way to give back to community by sharing all that I attempt at home. Home is where values embed and home is the first school for each of us.