
Menstruation and Autism: Navigating Challenges and Empowering Care

Puberty and Adolescent issues in Autistic kids series ( part 1)
Menstruation and Autism- Understanding & Navigating Challenges, Empowering Care through Effective Strategies and Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Caregivers

Menstruation is a natural and biological process, an essential part of a woman’s life, experienced by girls and women, indicating their reproductive health and symbolizing the potential for fertility and reproduction. However, for autistic girls, the experience of menstruation can bring unique challenges that are often misunderstood and overlooked.

We will be dealing Puberty challenges and Autism in our “Puberty and Adolescent issues in Autistic kids series“. And, in this blog, we will delve into the complexities and difficulties faced by autistic girls during menstruation, explore tips and effective strategies for parents and caregivers to teach them personal hygiene and the use of sanitary pads, aiming to raise awareness and foster greater understanding and support.

Understanding the Challenges

Supporting girls during menstruation involves understanding their unique challenges and providing tailored strategies and techniques to empower them with knowledge and independence. For neurotypical individuals, menstruation and maintaining menstrual hygiene still be a confusing and challenging time, but for autistic girls, the experience can be even more overwhelming due to their sensory overload and sensitivities, communication difficulties, social awareness and understanding etc. Let’s discuss these challenges one by one:-

1. Sensory Overload and Sensitivities: Many autistic individuals often experience sensory sensitivities, making the sensory experience of menstruation particularly challenging. The use of menstrual products like sanitary pads or tampons can be overwhelming due to their texture, smell, or sound. Additionally, physical discomfort, handling blood, feeling of remaining wet and in pain during menstruation can exacerbate sensory issues, leading to anxiety and distress.

2. Communication Difficulties and expresssion: Communication challenges are common in autism, and this can be especially problematic during menstruation when girls may struggle to express their feelings or discomfort. This can lead to difficulties in seeking help or describing their menstrual symptoms accurately, resulting in inadequate support and care. They may find it challenging to communicate their needs and discomfort effectively, leading to potential difficulties in expressing their concerns during menstruation.

3. Social Awareness, Peer Interactions, Stigma: Menstruation can create feelings of embarrassment or shame, which can be amplified for autistic girls who may already struggle with social interactions and understanding social norms. Coping with the emotional and social aspects of menstruation can be overwhelming, impacting self-esteem and overall mental well-being. The lack of social awareness and difficulty in understanding societal norms, that “it’s OK” to undergo a menstrual cycle and pass blood on monthly basis can really lead to confusion and embarrassment during menstruation, as girls may not fully grasp the significance of menstrual hygiene or the need for privacy.

4. Routine Disruptions: Autistic individuals often thrive on routines and predictability, but menstruation introduces an element of unpredictability that can be challenging to navigate. Changes in daily activities, hygiene routines, and potential discomfort can disrupt the familiar structure, causing additional stress and anxiety for autistic individuals who thrive on predictability and stability.

5. Emotional Regulation: Autistic individuals may have difficulty managing emotions, and hormonal changes during menstruation ( PMS- Pre Menstruation Symptoms) can further intensify mood swings and emotional instability. This can lead to increased irritability, anxiety, or even meltdowns, making it crucial for caregivers and educators to recognize and provide appropriate support during this time.

6. Self-Care and Hygiene: Maintaining personal hygiene during menstruation can be difficult for girls, particularly if they face difficulties in grooming or managing self-care tasks. This can lead to hygiene-related issues, affecting their physical health and contributing to feelings of embarrassment and isolation.

7. Coping Mechanisms: Autistic individuals often develop unique coping mechanisms to navigate challenging situations. During menstruation, these coping mechanisms may need to be adjusted or may not be effective, leading to increased stress and anxiety.

Understanding the challenges faced by autistic girls during menstruation is crucial in providing them with the support and care they need. Educators, caregivers, and healthcare professionals must be aware of the sensory, emotional, and social difficulties that can arise during this time and work towards creating inclusive environments that respect the unique needs of autistic individuals.

Effective Strategies and Techniques

For parents and caregivers of autistic girls, navigating the challenges of menstruation can be a daunting task. The hormonal and emotional changes during this period can exacerbate sensory sensitivities, communication difficulties, and coping mechanisms associated with autism. However, with the right strategies and techniques, parents and caregivers can create a supportive and comfortable environment to help their daughters manage menstruation with confidence. Let’s discuss effective approaches to address the unique needs of autistic girls during their menstrual journey.

1. Preparing in Advance

Open and honest “Communication and Preparation” is the key to help understand menstruation. For them, use visual aids, social stories, and age-appropriate, easy to understand language to briefly explain the physical changes and emotions they might experience. Introduce the concept gradually and give them ample time to process the information. Preparing them in advance can reduce anxiety and uncertainty to a great extent. We should focus on:-

a. Starting Early: Begin discussing menstruation and hygiene; familiarizing with the products, social stories and concept of menstruation with girls on spectrum before they reach menarche to normalize the topic and reduce anxiety in them.

b. Visual Aids: Utilize the power of visual aids like books, pictures, or YouTube videos that explain menstruation and the menstrual cycle in a clear and accessible manner.


c. Social Stories: Create your own customized social stories with your daughter’s picture that illustrate the process of menstruation, hygiene practices, biological plus emotional changes and appropriate responses to various situations during this time to her in an easy manner.

A picture-based visual aid for Changing Sanitary pad for beginners
Image Source:
A picture and text-based visual aid for Changing Sanitary pad for advanced level image source:
A social story on Menstruation Image Source:

d. Role-Play: Engage in role-playing and modeling scenarios to help them practice how to handle menstrual situations in a safe and supportive environment at home, generalising it further at various public places.

2. Sensory Considerations

Autistic individuals often have sensory sensitivities as discussed above. Hence, provide sensory-friendly menstrual products like cotton pads or period underwear. Allow them to explore different products to find what suits them best. Avoid scented or tight uncomfortable materials that may trigger sensory issues.

a. Introduce Different Products: Offer various menstrual products (pads, tampons, menstrual cups) to find what feels most comfortable for the individual.

b. Trial Period: Allow girls to feel, touch, explore and experiment with different products before their first period, giving them a chance to adjust to the sensory experience.

c. Comfortable Clothing: Encourage wearing loose, and comfortable clothing during menstruation to minimize sensory discomfort.

3. Establishing Routines

Routines can provide a sense of predictability and security to everyone. So, create a menstrual care routine that includes checking pads’ supplies, disposing of used products, and managing discomfort. Consistency can help girls feel more in control during this time.

a. Visual Schedules: Use visual schedules, planner or calendars to create a daily routine that incorporates hygiene practices and self-care during menstruation.

b. Timers and Alarms: Set reminders on calendar or alarms on their devices to remember their menstrual cycle dates and during the cycle reminders can prompt them to change pads regularly.

4. Communication and Empathy

Hormonal changes during menstruation can amplify emotions. Be prepared for mood swings and heightened sensitivity in girls. Try offering emotional support, validate their feelings, and encourage them to express themselves in a way that feels comfortable to them, whether it’s through talking, writing, drawing, or other forms of communication by keeping in mind the following points:-

a. Foster Open Communication: Create a safe and non-judgmental environment for discussing menstruation and addressing any concerns or questions our girls may have.

b. Emotional Support: Offer reassurance and emotional support during menstruation, as these feelings may be new. The overall new experience may be confusing and distressing for them.

5. Social Skills Training

Help them understand personal boundaries and hygiene during menstruation. Teach them about privacy and when to seek assistance if needed. Use visual cues to reinforce these concepts. The following tips might help :-

a. Role-Playing Social Situations: Role-playing or modeling various social scenarios, such as asking for menstrual products, seeking help, or dealing with unexpected accidents.

b. Building Social Awareness: Use social stories or social skills training to enhance their understanding of privacy, personal space, and appropriate social responses.

6. Managing Pain and Discomfort

Menstrual cramps and physical discomfort can be challenging for anyone, including menstruating girls. Teach relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, gentle stretching, or using heat packs to manage pain. Consult with healthcare professionals about pain relief options suitable for their needs.

7. Menstrual Tracking

Encourage menstrual tracking to help them recognize patterns in their cycles and anticipate emotional changes. Utilize visual calendars or apps to make tracking easier and engaging.

8. Encourage Self-Advocacy

Empower girls to self-advocate for their menstrual needs. Teach them to communicate their requirements and preferences with teachers, caregivers, or healthcare professionals. This fosters independence and confidence.

9. Encouraging Independence

By creating a supportive and informed environment, parents and caregivers can help our girls navigate this crucial aspect of their lives with independence, confidence and dignity, fostering a positive attitude towards menstrual hygiene and self-care.

a. Gradual Independence: Gradually teach girls to manage their menstrual hygiene, starting with small steps and increasing responsibility over time.

b. Visual Guides: Provide visual guides or step-by-step instructions on how to use and dispose of menstrual products.

10. Peer Support:

Connect girls on spectrum with peer support groups or online communities where they can share experiences and learn from others. Having a safe space to discuss menstruation can alleviate feelings of isolation and build a supportive network.

11. Professional Support:

Reach out to healthcare professionals, therapists, or counselors experienced in supporting autistic individuals. They can offer personalized advice and strategies to address specific challenges.

Supporting girls on Autism Spectrum during menstruation requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt to their unique needs. By using effective strategies like open communication, sensory considerations, routines, and emotional support, parents and caregivers can help their autistic daughters navigate this natural part of life with confidence and comfort. Remember that each individual is different, so be flexible in your approach and always prioritize their well-being and autonomy. With the right guidance and support, menstruation can be a manageable and empowering experience for girls. By fostering empathy and awareness, we can help girls navigate menstruation with greater comfort and confidence, ensuring they receive the support and understanding they deserve. Ultimately, education, empathy, and open communication are key elements in ensuring a smooth transition through this natural phase of life for autistic individuals.

Parents and caregivers can take help from the wonderful resources on Menstruation available on

Hope you liked today’s blog. Do provide your valuable feedback and suggestions.

Thank you

Author Shilpi Mayank Awasthi
Founder SpecialSaathi

By Shilpi Mayank Awasthi


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