
Happy Autism Awareness day!

A blog submitted by Shipra Labroo

When a tree is cut down in a forest other trees reach out to the victim tree ….
What a post! A tree must be worshipped for this reason. They don’t discriminate!  They support other species!
The trees and animals are in the tune with the existence they follow God unconsciously where as humans have chosen to remain unconscious despite having a fully developed manomaya kosha ( which is absent in plants and animals).

God has given us the choice to become Godlike for which he gave us the ability to learn alphabets and sounds, read books, reason and most importantly the ability to go beyond the boundaries of physical self and find that God is right in there. We can become Godlike but we can never become God!

Humans, please learn at least from the trees the art of inclusiveness! Please despite being an ex HOD in Economics or whatever subject xyz don’t make wrong choice of remaining an intellectually disabled!!
Grow up, Auntyji !
Auntyji … auntyji ,wake up and learn to define Karma correctly.
Don’t mind auntyji I am just using you as an example for the intellectually disabled … aap akele aise nahi ho! Get well soon! For your own good God chose some special children to teach you great lessons of life!
We demand inclusiveness!
Specially abled are not beggars.
You are human because you have a mann

The English word Man comes from the sanskrit word Manu, the first man as believed by Hindus.
Humans and Man have a manomaya kosha which makes them different from other creatures. They can become great if they control their man and find the source of creation within. Humans have to work hard and they can become Godlike and that way make less mistakes and cause less troubles for themselves and others.

Author Shipra Labroo