
Hurdles in academic performance special children face due to their challenges

Academic performance refers to a student’s achievement and success in educational activities, typically measured through assessments, examinations, and grades. It encompasses a student’s ability to comprehend and apply knowledge, demonstrate skills, and meet the learning objectives set by educational institutions. It serves as a crucial indicator of a student’s progress and proficiency in academic subjects.

Special children, often facing challenges such as learning disabilities, ADHD, or other developmental differences, encounter several hurdles in academic performance. One significant obstacle is the potential lack of tailored instructional approaches.

Mainstream educational systems may not always provide the necessary accommodations, making it difficult for these students to grasp and retain information effectively. A lack of teacher training in inclusive practices and limited resources for assistive technologies can hinder the implementation of personalized learning strategies. Special children may struggle with attention and focus, impacting their ability to follow traditional classroom settings. Social challenges and potential stigmatization from peers can contribute to stress and anxiety, further affecting academic engagement. Addressing these hurdles requires a comprehensive, inclusive approach that considers diverse learning styles, provides necessary support services, and fosters an environment that promotes the unique strengths of each special child. Special children may encounter difficulties in academics due to various underlying factors. One significant challenge is a lack of neurodevelopmental or cognitive processes that can impact learning, such as attention deficits, processing speed issues, or difficulties with memory. Additionally, some special children may face challenges in executive functions, affecting their ability to organize tasks, manage time, and regulate their behaviour. Sensory processing issues, common in conditions like autism spectrum disorders, can also contribute to academic hurdles by affecting the way children perceive and respond to sensory information in the learning environment. Communication disorders, including difficulties in speech and language, pose another significant barrier to academic success.

Hurdles in academic performance special children face due to a certain lack are as follows –
1. **Lack of Tailored Instruction:** Special children may face academic challenges due to a lack of instructional approaches tailored to their specific learning needs.

2. **Limited Accommodations:** The absence of accommodations, such as extra time for exams or modified assignments, can hinder special children’s ability to perform well academically.

3. **Teacher Training:** Inadequate training for teachers in inclusive practices may result in a lack of understanding and implementation of effective strategies to support special children in the classroom.

4. **Insufficient Resources:** Limited availability of resources, including assistive technologies and specialized learning materials, can impede the implementation of personalized learning approaches.

5. **Attention and Focus Challenges:** Special children, especially those with conditions like ADHD, may struggle with attention and focus in traditional classroom settings, affecting their academic performance.

6. **Social Stigmatization:** The potential for social stigmatization and isolation from peers can create stress and anxiety, negatively impacting the emotional well-being and academic engagement of special children.

7. **Inaccessible Learning Environments:** Physical barriers and inaccessible facilities may pose challenges for children with mobility issues or other physical disabilities, limiting their access to educational resources.

8. **Lack of Specialized Support Services:** Insufficient availability of support services, such as speech therapy or occupational therapy, can impede the overall development and academic progress of special children.

9. **Limited Professional Development:** Teachers and educational professionals may lack opportunities for ongoing professional development in the field of special education, hindering their ability to adapt to evolving best practices.

10. **Parental Awareness and Involvement:** Lack of awareness and involvement from parents in understanding and addressing the unique academic needs of their special child can contribute to challenges in academic performance.

Author Sradhanjali Dasgupta
Consultant Psychologist, Speaker , Learning Developmental Coach, Teacher and trainer Miss. Sradhanjali Dasgupta has been extensively working in the field of Counselling and education for the past few years in several Clinics, Hospitals, NGOs and educational sectors. She also contributes her writings and blogs in various newspapers, magazines and e- magazines Her training and workshops are both for the corporate as well as for the educational sector and are geared up for learning and development,upgradation and capacity building. She has actively taken part in many debates