
Understand Me: A Neurodivergent’s Perspective

Hey there, it’s me. You might know me as your child, your sibling, or your friend. But there’s something important you should know about me—I’m neurodivergent. That means my brain works a little differently than others, and that’s okay. I want to share some things with you so you can better understand and support me.

1. Just like everyone else, I have my own strengths and challenges. My neurodivergence doesn’t define me, but it’s a part of who I am. I might excel in areas you wouldn’t expect and struggle with things that seem easy to you. Please celebrate my achievements and be patient with me when I face difficulties.

2. Sometimes, I might have trouble expressing myself or understanding what others are saying. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to communicate; it just means I might need some extra support. Let’s find ways to communicate that work for both of us, whether it’s using visuals, written words, or simply giving me time to process.

3. Certain sounds, sights, or textures can be overwhelming for me. It’s not that I’m being difficult—it’s just that my brain processes sensory information differently. Pay attention to my cues and try to create a calm, sensory-friendly environment when possible.

4. Predictability helps me feel safe and secure. I thrive on routines, so please try to stick to them as much as possible. Changes can be challenging for me, so if something unexpected comes up, help me navigate it with patience and understanding.

5. I have interests and passions that might be different from yours, and that’s okay. Encourage me to explore these interests and celebrate my accomplishments, no matter how unconventional they may seem. Who knows, my unique perspective might lead to something amazing!

6. Above all, I need your acceptance and love just the way I am. I may not always fit into society’s norms, but that doesn’t make me any less valuable. Embrace my neurodivergence as a beautiful part of diversity, and together, we can navigate this journey called life with understanding and compassion.

Thanks for taking the time to listen to me. With your support, I know we can create a world where neurodivergent individuals like me can thrive and shine bright.

Author Shilpi Mayank Awasthi
Founder SpecialSaathi