
Unraveling the Impact of Untreated Childhood Trauma and Autism Traits”

In the complex tapestry of human experiences, the effects of trauma can linger across generations, weaving their way into the fabric of family dynamics.

Today’s blog not only explores the poignant story of an 80-year-old woman, but also delves into the potential correlation between her undiagnosed autistic traits, her early-life experiences, and the enduring legacy of unaddressed trauma.

Early Life and Family Dynamics

Born into a sizable family of nine surviving siblings, this lady faced a childhood shaped by stark gender disparities. She experienced differential treatment from her father and uncle based on gender. Growing up, she felt the sting of her family’s expectations, a burden of domesticity placed solely on her shoulders. This dissonance, this constant reminder of her gendered role, laid the foundation for a trauma which has set the stage for bitter feelings that echoed through the years. Moreover, dropped out of school prematurely despite possessing commendable mathematical skills and a penchant for rote learning, her early life unfolded against a backdrop of unattended fears and unaddressed concerns.

Unmasking Autism in Geriatric Years

As the years progressed, it became increasingly evident that this lady displayed traits indicative of undiagnosed autism. Struggling with interpersonal relationships, exhibiting an unwavering adherence to stringent schedules, and grappling with deep-seated fears, her journey reflected the nuanced challenges faced by geriatric individuals navigating the world through an autistic lens.

The Repetitive Threads of Fear

The echoes of untreated trauma and autistic traits resound not only in her life but extended to the next generation. Raised in an environment where fears were masked rather than addressed, the three children she brought into the world inherited not only her genes but also the unspoken anxieties, fears and apprehensions that lingered beneath the surface. These familial threads, intricately woven into their upbringing, manifested as poor interpersonal relationships, extreme mood swings, and even to an extent of resistance to conventional daily works and social experiences, for example- Hospital visits, Doctors and medical practices.

Bridging Generational Gaps

The life of this lady took a poignant turn as there’s a parallel journey in her life, as her grandchild, was diagnosed with autism at a young age. Through early intervention and dedicated efforts, her grandchild begins the arduous process of unraveling and overcoming inherited fears. The lady (grandparent of a neurodivergent child) reflects on the hope that, with time and support, these fears may dissipate, allowing her grandchild to navigate a world that often feels overwhelming.

The Interplay of Trust and Autism

A central theme emerges — the profound impact of trauma on trust. For individuals with autism or autistic traits, trust becomes a scarce commodity, both within themselves and in their relationships with others. The inability to forget and the tendency to relive traumatic experiences contribute to a heightened state of fear, hindering the formation of solid interpersonal connections.

In today’s experiential exploratory blog, we find ourselves at the crossroads of generational echoes — a poignant reminder that trauma, when left unaddressed, transcends time, leaving an indelible mark on successive generations. As we reflect on the challenges faced by those with autism or autistic traits, the narrative underscores the importance of recognizing, addressing, and healing trauma to break the repetitive cycles that can otherwise persist through the ages.

A blog submitted by one of our readers on the basis of her anonymity. Edited by Shilpi Mayank Awasthi

SpecialSaathi is delighted to feature this year’s SpecialSaathi’s Online Art Competition winner (5-12 age category) – Artist Sayan Goswami’s artwork for today’s blog.