
Safety and Privacy: My Safe Circle

A video tutorial on how to teach our children about my safe circle concept by Monika Misra

The concept of safety is the most important concept for special needs children. Communication difficulties and social anxiety are seen commonly and due to this they think diffrently about personal safety. It is one of an abstract and vast concept and without concrete visuals it will be little difficilt to explain them.
Here I am bringing this concept for you with a concrete visual.
Start teaching them with patience and consistency as early as possible.
Key points to focus while teaching safety and privacy:
Talk early, openly, often and clearly.
Also teach them “IT IS OK TO SAY NO.”
Nothing is so scary that they cant tell their safe people about it.
If you feel unsafe, RUN to your safe members.

Author Monika Misra

Monika Misra

Founder of Deific Skill Portal, Lucknow
Special Educator at Sunrise learning, Noida.
Parent counsellor at Kant Brain Center, Lucknow.

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