
Learning with your Child at Home – 1

Ten Tips for Parents
This article is the first of a series of articles presenting tips, techniques, and resources for parents to create the right experiences with their child. Each article will present one or more tips and techniques in a simple way with video examples. Sources for these tips will also be presented for parents interested in more details.

In this article, we want to share ten tips for parents for learning with their child at home. The implementation of these tips can be seen in numerous videos on the Ananth’s Adventures channel. Each of these tips will be discussed in more detail in later articles. A brief explanation of the sources on which these tips are based is presented later in the post.

Ten Tips for Parents
1. Maintain a calm presence during experiences with your child.
2. Focus on creating enjoyable experiences with your child.
3. Identify the point of learning (the current level and learning needs) for your child to facilitate skills development while creating enjoyable experiences.
4. Use the five tools of theater (movement and dance, music and rhythm, storytelling, drama, and arts and crafts) to create enjoyable experiences.
5. Create opportunities for imitation.
6. Repeat lessons multiple times.
7. Improvise by introducing variations gradually.
8. Reduce the use of words.
9. Use more nonverbal communication.
10. Reduce commands and corrections.

Video Example
Watch this video lesson by Sri Ujwal Jagadeesh. Ananth enjoyed demonstrating this lesson and was highly motivated to learn this piece to explore with his 1.5-year-old nephew Ishaan! Which of the ten tips can you observe in the video? How can you apply the tips while doing this lesson or a similar lesson with your child?

Video First Presentation
As our Ananth’s Adventures Youtube channel continues to grow, we are delighted that we are increasingly able to share ideas, tips, and techniques in video format. While I have been explaining many ideas and techniques based on Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), Theater Arts for Holistic Development (TAHD), Waldorf, and other approaches for a few years, videos enable us to present these lessons in a concise and effective way.

The Ananth’s Adventures Project is our effort to organize and present our lessons learned, concepts, tips, and techniques in a video first format. What we mean by video first is that whatever we intend to convey is captured in videos on the Ananth’s Adventures channel.

Every video provides ideas for parents to explore while creating the right experiences with their child. These videos are a simple and quick way to get started. Parents can then read more detailed explanations and join the conversations in LIFESMART groups for a more nuanced understanding and explanation of what is seen on videos.

Sources of Tips
These tips are based on varied approaches that we have explored for decades. Each of the approaches listed below is complex and comprehensive. Videos are making it possible for us to present key lessons rooted in varied approaches in a seamless way.

Three main influences on this list of tips are given below:

I. Low Arousal Approaches
The first of these tips (calm presence) is based on low-arousal approaches. Low arousal approaches focus on reduction of stress, fear and frustration. These strategies are put in place to prevent dysregulation and avoid crisis situations. Low arousal approaches emphasize the creation of calm, consistent, positive learning environments.

While I have been familiar with many of the tips in the above list for years the first one has come increasingly into focus in recent years. Ananth has struggled considerably with stress issues over the last couple of years and I have observed that he seeks out Ujwal and others who engage in a similar calm way.

II. Theater Arts for Holistic Development

Creating enjoyable experiences is a tip from the Theater Arts for Holistic Development (TAHD) framework developed by Dr. Ambika Kameshwar. When I came across the 4Es (Exploration, Experience, Expression, Enjoyment) in TAHD, I was struck by the fact that enjoyment is often not in anyone’s vocabulary for neurodivergent learners! Other tips such as the use of imitation are also based on our TAHD experience.

Tip 3 on point of learning is also based on TAHD. According to Dr. Ambika Kameshwar, every human being at any time in their life is at a point of learning. Being attuned to this point of learning enables parents to create the right experiences for their child. Watch the video below for Dr. Ambika Kameshwar’s explanation of how TAHD application is guided by the point of learning:

Point of learning is a simple yet powerful idea. If we can recognize the point of learning for the individual which lies at the intersection of where the learner is at this point and what he or she needs to learn, we can create enjoyable experiences that move the learner forward towards the desired outcomes. While we may have a rough idea of the point of learning, discovering the point of learning is an ongoing process.

III. Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)

We started RDI in 2003. RDI had a lasting effect on me. One of the most important effects of RDI was shifting my attention towards my role as a guide and the way in which I interacted. Slowing down, using more nonverbal communication, and reducing performance demands are some of the lessons I learned from RDI which are captured in our ten tips.

Recently, we have also started exploring Perception-Action coupling and Constraints-Led Learning. The value of the video resources holds even as we learn and integrate new techniques and approaches!

We are grateful to Sri Ujwal Jagadeesh, Senior Artist and Faculty at the Ramana Maharshi Center for Learning (RMCL) for many of the lessons in the videos on Ananth’s Adventures. Ujwal has also been the guiding force behind the videos created by Ananth independently.

We are grateful for the curriculum and resources developed by the RMCL team. The content of the videos on Ananth’s Adventures is based on the RMCL dance curriculum.

We appreciate the ongoing encouragement and support provided by Dr. Sarada Natarajan, President of RMCL and Dr. Ambika Kameshwar, Founder and Director of Ramana Sunritya Aalaya (RASA) and developer of TAHD. This work would not be possible without their continued guidance and support.

Dr. Dasaratha Rama is a professor and home educator. She was the editor of a monograph on service-learning published by the American Association of Higher Education. This monograph was a part of a series of monographs on service-learning published by AAHE. She was also an Engaged Scholar with the Campus Compact, an association in the US dedicated to higher education civic and community engagement at colleges and universities. She has served as the Chair of the Teaching and Curriculum Section of the American Accounting Education. She is a certified leader in systems thinking, mapping, and leadership under a program offered by Cabrera Research Lab. She is currently doing a certificate in Theater Arts for Holistic Development (TAHD) from RASA (Ramana Sunritya Aalaya).

Ananth Raghunandan is a student ambassador for RASA and TAHD. Ananth Raghunandan will be starting a diploma in Bharatanatyam shortly.

Their journey from homeschooling to collaborators and co-creators continues!

Join the discussion in our whatsapp group here:


Practice the Four Patterns of Interactions

Lessons from Relationship Development Intervention – 2

In my previous post, I discussed experience sharing as one of key takeaways from Relationship Development Intervention (RDI). See my post here. The question is:

How can we get started with experience sharing?

The four patterns of interactions and Regulation, Challenge, Reorganization (RCR) are the tools for organizing experiences and fostering experience-sharing communication. First, the child/learner must be able to participate with the parent/guide in experiences before experience sharing can happen! This article describes the four patterns of interaction and RCR.

Practice the Four Patterns of Interactions

The four patterns of interactions are based on RDI (Relationship Development Intervention). Read the article Building the Foundation and Pillars for Success in Academics by Kamini Lakhani here. According to Kamini Lakhani, parents can work on their child’s emotional regulation by working on these 4 patterns of interactions.

a. Assembly line (sender receiver pattern)

b. Reciprocal (parent and child take turns to repeat the same role)

c. Simultaneous (parent and child have the same role and they perform it together, at the same time)

d. Contingent (parent and child have different roles. Their roles are dependent on the other (contingency).

The patterns seem simple and obvious. However, being mindful of these patterns helps organize interactions in a consistent way with your child.

In the video below, a simultaneous pattern of interaction is being used. This pattern is a common pattern for teaching through imitation. Rather than instructing and prompting the child to do activities, parents can use this pattern and do activities with their child.

Use the Four Patterns of Interactions to Implement Regulation, Challenge, Reorganization

The four patterns of activities discussed above are based on RCR (Regulation, Challenge, Reorganization). RCR is one of the most valuable parenting concepts that I learned from Relationship Development Intervention (RDI). The parent sets up a pattern of interaction with competent roles for parent and child. The key is to set up a predictable pattern the child can recognize so that the child is regulated in the activity. Once the child is familiar with the pattern, introduce variations or challenges. Add the variations gradually to enable the child to accept the variations and reorganize the initial pattern of interaction. Practice the basic pattern for many days before introducing variations. Use the four simple patterns of interactions to implement RCR in daily life activities.

  1. Watch a video of the sender/ receiver pattern of interactions

Just Noticeable Differences

2. Listen to the explanation of Just Noticeable Differences (JND) on Dr. Sheely’s podcast:

Key Point from Podcast

According to Dr. Sheely, “competence is built off of a series of these just noticeable differences that are then punctuated with the challenge, and the challenge is something that is not just noticeable difference, but something that challenges you to use your mind, because you don’t know what to do.

My thoughts

JNDs prepare you for dealing with challenges. RCR with JNDs is a technique for systematic training for engaging variability and builds capacity for handling larger changes over time. Since autistic children often resist change (see Dr. Gutstein’s podcast on Variability), RCR and JND are tools for parents to integrate predictability and variability in experiences. JND is a way to introduce novelty with low stress.

After diagnosis, parents are focused on challenges such as speech delays, sensori-motor issues etc. RDI changed our trajectory. We started focusing on variability and dynamic thinking as the foundation. Integrating predictability and variation in experiences sets the stage for practicing communication.

RCR Examples

  • After shopping, put things from bags into cupboards and/or the refrigerator. The child picks up and hands the item and the parent puts it away.
  • Child picks up and gives an item of clothing to the parent. Parent hangs it up.
  • Parent and child walk together. Initially, follow the same route at the same time of day. Slowly, introduce variations. The parent stops suddenly. The parent starts walking forward or backward. The child notices these variations and responds to them. For example, when the parent stops, the child stops.
  • The Parent and child roll a ball together. Each person has their own ball.
  • The parent and child paint on a large sheet of paper. Each person chooses one color and paints somewhere on the paper.
  • Practice the patterns of interactions with games like crocodile dentist and Twister.

When the child is doing well in the interaction, the parent makes little variations to the pattern to make it slightly more unpredictable, but not overwhelming.

When I first learned about RCR, I found it useful but did not realize that we had discovered an important tool for life. As I have learned more about managing stress and creating the conditions for learning with ease, I have started seeing RCR as one of the most important tools in parenting neurodivergent children.

Practice the four patterns of interactions in a mindful way and join the conversation in our LIFESMART Parenting group here!

Creative representation for this blog is done by our talented CreativeSaathi associate Morpheus Nag.


What is Experience Sharing?

Lessons from Relationship Development Intervention – 1

We learned about the importance of experience sharing communication when we started RDI (Relationship Development Intervention) in 2004. In my view, it is one of the most important lessons from RDI for parents/ teachers of neurodivergent learners. Experience sharing changes the nature of interactions between the parent (teacher) and child (learner). The notion of experience-sharing is one of the transformative lessons from RDI that influence my teaching even today.

Parents often emphasize needs-based communication. It is important for parents to distinguish between experience sharing and need-based communication. It is also important for parents to distinguish between experience sharing and imperative communication (e.g., commands). Being aware of experience-sharing shifted our trajectory even though it took a long time to build the foundations. Thus, my intent in writing this post is to get parents thinking about experience-sharing and to think about the steps that they can take to nurture experience-sharing. Experience sharing is not yet another skill to teach your child! It emerges gradually through the ways we guide and through the experiences we create.

I have given enough resources for parents to consider this tip and to get started. Once we are aware of a practice or technique and start doing it, we can continue learning. My goal is to provide the initial information to get parents started on this path. Some might decide to do RDI and learn these skills in a more formal way.

  1. Watch the video and see how the parent is using experience sharing language:

Under the video description, you will see a detailed list of the experience sharing communication used by the parent.

2. A useful article by Dr. Steven Gutstein to understand experience sharing: What is Autism? Gaining Clues from Typical Development. Read the article here

Dr. Gutstein explains that “at 6–7 months, we can observe the infant beginning to initiate experience-sharing interactions with parents. At that age, infants fluidly shift their attention between non socially-directed actions (such as exploring a new object, engaging with a toy or performing some motor action) and the facial expressions of their parents, including them in the experience and then returning to their autonomous behavior.”

3. Watch the video on experience sharing, facial expressions, and emotions

Experience sharing communication involves a certain type of language (declarative language). But experience sharing can be done without language. See the article above where Dr. Gutstein says “at 6–7 months, we can observe the infant beginning to initiate experience-sharing interactions with parents.” Experience sharing happens through nonverbal communication also. Further, experience sharing involves emotion sharing:

We share our perspectives on how we feel about things.

Experience sharing communication invites others but does not demand a response. So if the parent shares how they feel about something, the child can share their perspective too. Imperative communication demands a particular response. One reason that I started with experience sharing as the first topic is that once parents start worrying about their child’s challenges, they may go more towards an instructional mode of being with their child and use imperative communication. So the experience sharing communication that parents intuitively use with neuro-typical children may not be used as much with the neurodivergent child. However, neurodivergent children also need this type of communication even if they are not yet able to communicate their experiences in words.

4. Read an article on experience sharing communication here. I see that many parents talk about how their child has need-based communication and can learn academic skills but cannot converse. Experience sharing communication by the parent sets the stage for experience sharing by the child.

From the article (emphasis added): Imperative communication (what we tend to use with children with special needs) is about knowing, accumulating, obtaining and extracting. It is often perceived by the child as a demand. Examples: 1) What did we do today? 2)What do you want to do?

5. Read this article on We-Do Teaching by Bill Nason here. Bill Nason presents a clear model of teaching that focuses on experience sharing rather than prompting children and demanding specific responses. Learning experience sharing and we-do teaching is one of the most important skills for parents of autistic children.

We-do teaching

  • Teacher and child do activities together.
  • Teacher models, guides, and scaffolds the experience.
  • Teacher and child share the experience.

Why Practice Experience Sharing?

When parents practice experience sharing, they facilitate learning with their child at home. Experience sharing supports each of following goals:

  • Reduce parent stress and enhance parent well-being.
  • Reduce child stress and enhance child well-being
  • Practice guided participation
  • Facilitate learning with other teachers/ mentors.
  • Encourage independent learning
  • Discover pathways to inclusion

Since experience sharing means that parents share their knowledge and experience with the child rather than demand specific responses from the child, the experience is less stressful for the child. As the child’s stress and anxiety reduce, the child is more engaged in experiences with the parent. As the parent is better able to engage the child, parent stress also reduces. Modeling and experience sharing facilitates guides participation with parents and then with other guides. Parent’s narration of what they are doing and experiencing can also support independent work. These foundations pave the way for inclusion.

Join the Conversation!

Join the conversation on RDI core concepts here. We will be sharing what we learned from RDI and how parents can try out lessons from RDI in small ways to see if this is a path they want to explore! Often, information alone in not sufficient to make the right choices. Trying it out gives a better understanding of approaches like RDI.

Creative representation for this blog is done by our supertalented CreativeSaathi associates Dhrov Tikoo and Nikhil Thotam