bloggersaathi Junior

Bloggersaathi Junior Stories-part 1

Baby dinosaur story and a Dino Poem:

Titipo’s Picnic- The Baby dinosaur is bored

Written and illustrated by Yuvaan Awasthi (winner of first position in Specialsaathi Children’s Day Story-writing competition’22)

Artwork by Yuvaan

Once upon a time, there was a baby dinosaur. His name was Titipo.
Titipo lived in a jungle with his Mommy dinosaur and Daddy dinosaur.
One day Titipo was very bored. His Mommy and daddy were not playing with him.
So, he got an Idea. He plans a picnic. Titipo packs his picnic bag. He puts some chips, sandwiches, chocolate and juice. He put his alphabet and numbers mat in the bag.

Titipo goes to a picnic spot near his house. He takes out the alphabet and numbers mat and sits on it.

A bird Manie comes and say Hello to Titipo.
Titipo gives her chips.
Then, Frieda the frog comes and Titipo gives him juice.
More animals come to Titipo’s picnic and becomes Titipo’s friends.
They eat and finish their food.
They play alphabet and numbers game.
They do Yoga on the mat.
They have fun.
Titipo enjoys the picnic a lot.
Now it’s bye bye time for Titipo.
Titipo go back home happily and he is not bored anymore.

The end

Author Yuvaan Awasthi, 5 years, UKG

Yuvaan is an energetic and a happy child.
• He loves his academics Maths, English, Science specifically space and solar system, computers, Hindi, coloring, reading books and writing stories.
• He loves visiting new places, malls, markets, swimming, running and playing with his friends.

• He’s amongst the top rankers in Genius Cerebrum International Olympiads of Maths, Science, SpellBee, English and INTERNATIONAL TALENT SEARCH EXAM.
• He has bagged number of awards, certificates and medals in academics, sports and co-cirruclar activities.
• He is a self learner, learns by exploring and experimenting methodology.

Hello Little Dino

A poem by B.Gunin Khushi

Poem by B.Gunin Khushi

Author B.Gunin Khushi, 8 years, 3 STD

I am Gunin. Studying 3rd STD in KRM school, Chennai.
I love dinosaur, maths, direct action movie, eat pizza😅
I want to become an entrepreneur (innovative company creator).

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