
Maths using Stories

A video blog on how to teach math concepts (Teaching Fractions) using a play way and storytelling method. Playtime by Manju K Iyer.

Mamju k Iyer

Manju K Iyer is a Psychologicist, Counselor,  Parent coach, Play Therapist, Homeschooler and Founder of PlayTime ( A coaching program for parents of children with special needs).


Have you heard of Propioceptive sense ?

Have you heard of Propioceptive sense ?

Well if your answer is yes then “you” must be a sensory seeker

If your answer is no then “your child” must be a sensory seeker

To know who is the sensory seeker actually … please read further 😊

The proprioceptive system is located in our muscles and joints. It provides us with a sense of body awareness and detects and controls  the force and pressure applied by our body to our surroundings

Well simply it is this sense that creates awareness that you are dancing , laughing hard c, doing aerobics or yoga.This sense tells you if that hug is comfortable or just hurting

In a child with additional needs related to autism , or adhd or developmental delays , a propioceptive stimuli can be calming when the child is overly stimulated by the environments

Or it can be alerting stimulus when the child is requiring increased sensory stimulation for facilitating learning and attention

Beyond this many children on the spectrum seek propioceptive stimulus or inputs to regulate their emotional and behavioral response too

Important indicators that your child is seeking a propioceptive stimulus

1. Bites or chews the sides of sleeves , neckline of pullovers

2. walking tip toes

3. prefers to stomp feet while walking

4. engages a lot on weight bearing activities that compress joints like swinging , hanging , climbing

5. prefers jumping

6. enjoys rough and tumble play with peers

7. throws self heavily on others or on floor , carpets, crash pads and bean bags

8. holds writing tools too firmly and writes with lot of pressure on paper

9. bangs body parts

10 . hyper etends the joints like locking knees , bending back fingers

Now what could be certain propioceptive activities /games that help to modulate the propioceptive needs of a child /individual

Weight-bearing activities – animal walks , push ups , wheel barrow

Resistance activities– like pushing and pulling (tug of war )

Heavy lifting activities – carrying big and heavy books , heavy laundry bags , grocery cartons

Cardiovascular activities – running , jumping , cycling , jumping or hoping on trampoline

Oral motor games – blowing bubbles , chewing gums , candies

Deep pressure – tight hugs , become a burrito with heavy blanket

Important point is to keep in mind the purpose of using a propioceptive game

If using it to calm a child, Introduce it before a triggering or stressful activity

If using to alert a child who is unresponsive , identify the intsnsces of disengagement and introduce the propioceptive game

This one is for teachers and works best in classrooms

Activities you would love to be part of with your students in the classroom. These can be used as brain breaks too

1. Wall pushes

2. Lifting dumbbells

3. Jumping or jogging on spot

4. Star jumps

5. Jumping jacks

6. Catching and throwing weighted ball


7. Bouncing on gym ball

Well I feel whether you are teacher , parent or professional reading this blog , you would definately try doing one of the activity today . So all the best and do share your story with me


Creative Efforts and Bouncing Ball lover – Heena Sahi

Artwork by Morpheus Nag

Creative representation of my blog is done by supertalented Morpheus Nag.